Sheila Novek, PhD
CIHR Postdoctoral Fellow
University of British Columbia
CRPiD Student Connections Lead
Natasha Marriette, PhD
Doctoral Research Coordinator
University of British Columbia
Social Work
Mariko Sakamoto (PhD, Nursing)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Alternate Level of Care: Experiences of People with Dementia and Their Families
Shelley Canning (PhD, Nursing)
Social and Emotional Engagement of Older Adults Living with Dementia in Long Term Residential Care
Lillian Hung (PhD, Nursing)
Nursing Care of Older People with Dementia in the Acute Care Setting
Gloria Puurveen (PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies)
Exploring the Experiences of People with Advanced Dementia Nearing the End of Life
Sienna Caspar (PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies, 2014)
The influence of information exchange processes on the provision of person-centred care in residential care facilities
Jennifer McDuff (MSN, Nursing, 2013)
Walking for Meaning in Dementia
Elizabeth Kelson (PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013)
Challenges of person-centred dementia care: a critical ethnography of culture change in long-term care
Sing Mei Chan (PhD, Social Work, 2012)
Exploring dementia care in Chinese immigrant families in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Louise Stern (PhD, Social Work, 2013)
The cultural whisper in our ear: intercultural dementia care in a Jewish long-term care facility